Image:Pommes-1.jpg|thumb|French fries in a bowl.
french fries
- context|mostly|_|US|Canada Strips of deep fried potatoes. These potatoes have been frenched (cut into strips).
Usage notes
The cooking term french, as used in french fry, is not inherently capitalized because it has lost its connection to the country France.
chips (UK, Ireland, Australia, New Zealand)
fries (US, Canadian)
freedom fries (US, obsolete)
trans-top|deep fried strips of potato
Afrikaans: slap tjips
Catalan: patates fregides f, creïlles fregides f
Chinese: ���� (faguo-shutiao)
Danish: pommes frites f|p
Dutch: frieten
Esperanto: fritoj
Finnish: ranskalaiset perunat, ranskikset (col)
French: frites, pommes frites f|p, pommes allumettes f
German: Pommes frites f|p
Interlingua: patatas frite
Italian: patate fritte f|p, patatine fritte f|p
Japanese: �������� (furaido-poteto)
Portuguese: batatas fritas
Romanian: cartofi pr�jiţi m|p
Spanish: papas fritas (Mexico), patatas fritas (Spain)
Swedish: pommes frites c, strips p
Vietnamese: khoai tây chiên (literally: fried western potato)
fy:french fries